Feature Projects

Strand Theatre, Skowhegan, ME
I designed the concrete foundation and exterior wall system using with insulated concrete forms using ASCE 7 and ACI 318. I also designed the second floor and roof systems using steel and concrete using AISC 8th Edition Manual. The building was a two story theatre addition of about 15,000sf. My design included gravity and lateral wind and seismic loads.
Magic Lantern theatre, Bridgeton, ME
I designed the concrete foundation and exterior wall system using with insulated concrete forms using ASCE 7 and ACI 318. I also designed the second floor and roof systems using steel and concrete using AISC 8th Edition Manual. The building was a two story theatre of 15,000sf. My design included gravity loads.
Seadogs Clubhouse, Portland, ME
I designed the foundation and the wood framed clubhouse structure to fit underneath the existing left field stands. I also designed the concrete foundation and concrete and steel structure for their new elevated bullpen. It totaled about 7,900sf. I used ASCE 7 for loads, ACI 318 for concrete design, AISC 8th Manual, and AWC WFCM.
Toddle Inn, Scarborough, ME
I designed the concrete foundation and exterior wall system using with insulated concrete forms using ASCE 7 and ACI 318. The building was a one story addition of 10,500sf. My design included loads due to gravity, wind and seismic forces.
Uncle Mike’s Cafe renovation, Lisbon, ME
I designed the foundation and structural steel and wood frame for a 4,300sf restaurant. It was located under an existing residence which was kept in it’s current location and state. The design included both vertical gravity loads as well as horizontal wind and seismic.
JF Murphy Homes, Lewiston, ME
One acre site design and 2,000sf complete structural design for a new assisted living residence. Three acre site design and 4,500sf complete structural design for a new assisted living residence.
Biddette residence, Auburn, ME
2,800sf high end residence complete structural design.
Aubuchon Hardware addition, Lewiston, ME
3,900sf Addition, I designed the concrete walled structure for gravity and lateral loads. The walls acted as Retaining walls for 25% to 75% of their height. The roof utilized wood Trusses.
United Ambulance, Lewiston, ME
Four acre site design including new site entrance and exit for more efficient ambulance traffic and several new employee parking areas, including permitting requirements. Complete enhanced structural design for several new buildings and renovations including 1,700sf three bay ambulance garage and 4,900sf training building.
Waterville Public Library addition, Waterville, ME
Complete structural design for 3,135sf addition insulated concrete form structure using steel beams and slabs on deck.
Building Solutions footbridge, Oxford, ME
Refurbish of an existing 60’ span snowmobile bridge into a covered footbridge. The bridge owner wanted to use salvaged steel beams for the project. I could find no section information for the beams so I calculated the properties using field measurements. I researched the material and estimated the material properties using input from the Maine Department of Transportation information and historical AISC information.
Pro Knee new building inWhitefield, ME
New 15,500sf warehouse on 113 acres. My first assignment was the structural design. The beams and columns were steel. I included both gravity and lateral design from wind and seismic influences. The foundation design was innovative and usednoversized waste concrete blocks from a proprietary manufacturer. My second assignment was the site design calculate pre and post development runoff.
Lamour residence addition in Portland, ME
New 1,600sf wood framed garage addition to existing wood framed apartment building. I first calculated stormwater runoff for the ½ acre site. I then prepared a site plan for submission to the City of Portland. I also designed the structure. Lastly, I provided architectural drawings for the structure.
Bedard Medical Building in Auburn, ME
New 29,000sf pre-engineered steel frame pharmaceutical building. I designed the foundation based upon the loads provided by the building manufacturer. The foundation design included gravity, wind, and seismic loads.
Future Foods renovation in Mechanic Falls, ME
Renovation of existing 13,000sf wood framed building consisting of three distinct interconnected sections. I first reviewed the existing structures and recommended remedial action where the construction was substandard, most specifically the rear foundation wall. I then analyzed the connection area and designed the connection pieces working within the physical restrictions of the existing structure. My design included review of the existing load bearing walls for both gravity and horizontal loads, installation of new footings, foundations, columns, beams, and roof joists for the connection area.
- United Ambulance – new buildings, additional parking and renovations (Lewiston)
- New Beginnings – repairs and renovations (Lewiston)
- Bedard Medical Campus – new building (Auburn)
- Dr. Mike’s Madness Cafe – additions and renovations (Lisbon Falls)
- YMCA – additions and renovations (Sanford)
- East Auburn Elementary School – “sand boat” Eagle Scout project (Auburn)
- Community Little Theatre – additions and renovations, stage props (Auburn)
- Saints Peter and Paul Basilica – repairs and renovations (Lewiston)
- Future Foods – additions and renovations (Mechanic Falls)
- Village Inn Restaurant – repairs and renovations (Auburn)
- Pro-Knee – new site and building (Whitefield)
- Magic Lantern Theatre – new site and building (Bridgeton)
- Waterville Library – additions and renovations (Waterville)
- Sacopee Valley Health Care Center – additions and renovations (Parsonfield)
- Aubuchon Hardware – additions and renovations (Lewiston)
- SAD 21 – structural review (Dixfield)
- Kerry Bonney Residence – new building (Minot)
- Morrison & Sylvester – site and building (Auburn)
- University of Maine – Cooperative Extension Service structuralreview (Mechanic Falls)
- Masonic Lodge – addition and renovations (Auburn)
- Habitat for Humanity – residential review (Lewiston)
- Phil Dunn Subdivision, Poland, ME – Phase I, 27 acres, drainage and roadway design, permitting Morrison & Sylvester, Auburn, ME – 4,900 sf foundation design (conc)
- Naples Self Storage, Naples, ME – 5 acres, drainage design Lewiston House of Pizza, Lewiston, ME – ¾ acre, complete site design, complete structural design (ss&wood)
- Phil Dunn Subdivision – Phase II, 14 acres, drainage and roadway design, permitting
- Twin Cities Aviation fitup, Auburn, ME – structural design (lgm)
- Dubois Spa renovation, Lewiston, ME – ¼ acre, drainage, parking, retaining wall design, 4,200sf, complete structural design (ss, wood)
- United Ambulance parking expansion, Lewiston, ME – 4 acres, complete site design
- Quinco Corp. elevator addition, Lewiston, ME – 4 floor renovation structural design (timber)
- Family Credit Union, Skowhegan, ME – 4 acres, complete site design 1,500sf complete structural design (ss, wood)
- Igassi residence, Calais, ME – 3,600sf complete structural design (ss, wood)
- Premier Landscape, Auburn, ME – 7 acres, complete site design
- Harley’s R-Us, Lewiston, ME – 6 acres, drainage design LeBlanc Subdivision, Lewiston, ME – 12 acres, complete site design
- Casco Church Review, Casco, ME – Review of 100 yr old church (timber)
Dubois Spa parking, Lewiston, ME – ¼ acre, complete site design - Solon Market, Solon, ME – ¾ acre, complete site design, complete structural design (wood)
- Able Power Router, Lewiston, ME – 3 acres, complete site design
- Morton residence, Poland, ME – 2,800sf, structural design (wood)
- Johnson residence, Otisfield, ME – 2,500sf, structural design (wood)
- Price residence, Casco, ME – 2,500sf, structural design (wood)